Data protection statement of HONSA Ltd for its suppliers and partners
By the present data protection statement (hereafter: statement) HONSA Ltd for Part Trade (hereafter HONSA) informs its partners, how the company processes and manages personal data of its partners given to it.
Personal data: any kind of data connected with affected persons, especially names, phone number, E-Mal address, telefax number, furthermore single or more markers of physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity, and any kind of conclusions with regard to the affected person, resulting from the data content (hereafter: personal data).
This statement affects all employees and contractors of partners of HONSA providing supply and other services and includes both natural and juridical persons.
1. Name and availabilities of the data protection manager of HONSA:
HONSA Alkatrészkeresekdelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, seat:, Üszögi utca 20, 7630 Pécs; Registry.: 02-09-066782; E-Mail:
Data manager: Dr. Bálint Béla lawyer, seat: Rákóczi út 60. 7622 Pécs I. floor, E-Mail:; phone: 06-30-650-72-70
2. Purpose and kind of the managed data, data management claim
2.1. Managed data and the purpose of the data processing:
HONSA processes personal data of the following nature of its partners for the following purpose:
Business relationship data: (name, position, office E-mail, office phone number of contact person, position in the partner organization/department. The purpose of the data management is as follows:
Communication by phone, E-mail or other ways;
Partner/supplier relationships and contracting (including arranging of air continental and see transports);
Planning of company resources, product purchasing, product demand;
Processing and confirmation of product orders;
Payment, invoicing and business accounting;
Business information collecting (business planning and reporting), quality management;
Storehouse and delivery management;
Product planning, product development, optimization of partner specific products;
Prodict repairs with guarantee and beyond;
2.2. Legal claims od HONSA to manage personal data of its partners:
(f) 1. §6 of GDPR (EU 2016/679 directive), which enables to process personal data for purpose of own interests. For case, if partner is a private person, legal claim of data management is based on (b) 1. 6 GDPR, therefore the processing of personal data will be handled by HONSA for purpose of contract fulfilment.
2.3. Are personal data to be delivered to HONSA?
Personal data delivery is not a legal prescription, but some contracts may define contact persons of contract parties. It means, that partners are not obliged generally to give over their personal data, but contracts entered by the parties may contain personal data of contact persons defined for cases of chapter 2.1 of this information sheet.
If partner do not give over their personal data to HONSA, it may result that HONSA will be disabled to communicate with its business partners, what might make business relationships complicated.
2.4. Does HONSA take decisions with regard to the personal data of its partners automatically?
HONSA takes no decisions automatically, and does not create profile of its partners.
2.5. Personal data of the partners of HONSA will be gained from the following resources:
Personal data will be gained by HONSA immediately from its partners. Beside this data may be given to HONSA also on different ways defined in chapter 2.1, such like: from other employees of the partner [e. g.: during holiday, illness of the contact person, from forwarded e-mails sent out from European or not European area depending on the sender and addressee, which contains personal data of the contact person of partner.
2.6. Business relationship data of partners will be retained by HONSA as follows:
Retention time of personal data depends on the given data processing purpose and on the business the data have been given to HONSA through. To set the retention time to be applied, data will be retained by HONSA according to chapter 2.1 as long as they are necessary to achieve the given goal [e. g. overviewing of former or actual business events; detection of development/production/quality management/production improvement details of former business events;], and for contacting with the partner.
3. The rights of the partners of HONSA with regard to their personal data
4. Partners are entitled
to have access to their personal data, , therefore HONSA has to give information to them, what kind of partner data will be managed by the company;
to request to correct their personal data which have been managed incorrectly.
to request the erase of their personal data: for cases, if the processing of personal data is groundless, to achieve purposes of data management of HONSA, partners are entitled to request the erase of their data;
to request the restriction of the processing of personal data [e. g. for time interval of internal investigation for correction of personal data, partner is entitled to request the processing restriction of his personal data];
to own data portability rights: partner may ask for transfer of his business relationship data for third party or himself.
If the data processing has been executed on base of consent, partner is entitled to withdraw his given consent, but the withdrawal does not affect legally made data management which have been proceeded before the withdrawal.
Exercise of the rights defined above can be connected to legal prerequisites, and under conditions may restrict partner’s right, especially with regard to legal exceptions defined in (3) §17 and (2) § 22 of GDPR.
In case of presumed violation of right or even of danger of it, you may turn to the National Board for Data Safety and Information Freedom (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság [1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.]) If you do not accept the decision taken by this authority, you can go for law within 30 days after telling the decision.
Pécs, 16th of November 2018.